3D Glass Window Logo Mockup

🚀Create a Professional Logo Presentation with Our 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup
3D Glass Window Logo Mockup + TUTORIAL + 8 Free Background Images
You already know how important is to create professional-looking presentations for your logo designs.
As a designer business owner or marketer, creating a professional and compelling representation of your brand is key to making a lasting impression on your audience. One effective way to achieve this is by using an already so popular 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup style.
Our team of professional designers improved the effects and appearance and created this stunning 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup. You can follow the steps from the tutorial to create your own 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup and if you want you can replace the background images with one from this page (check below).

Why are logo mockups important for a designer:
– A well presented logo design can definitely increase sales on marketplaces for graphic design such as: graphicriver, creativefabrica, shutterstock and so on.
– Mockups can help to win a logo design contest on logo design contest websites: designhill, freelancer.com and so on
– Logo mockups can attract more views and engagement on social media websites, increasing brand awareness
Logo mockups can be an incredible visual marketing tool.

3D Glass Window Logo Mockup

How to use the 3D-Glass-Window-Logo-Mockup.PSD file:
1. Download the free .zip file from GraphicsFamily page and unzip it in a folder.
2. Double click the .PSD source file
3. Locate the layer named [YOUR LOGO HERE] and double click it to edit.
4. Drag and drop your .PNG transparent image of your logo, icon or simply add a new text you wish to appear on the blue window wall with the nice 3D glass effects.
5. Resize and center the design and save the smart layer.
6. Your logo is now appearing on the building and you can export the design by clicking: CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S
You can play a little bit with the SKEW, DISTORT, SCALE, ROTATE functions to properly adjust the logo design to the background office glass window. Select the layers corresponding to the design, excluding the background image one, click CTRL+T and then you can arrange the design to fit perfectly.
🤝💗🤝We created the following high resolution background images specially for designers to use them and create stunning logo mockups similar to this one.
1. Free Download 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup Image  (⬇️download full size):
2. 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup Background Image  (⬇️download full size):
3. 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup Background  (⬇️download full size)
4. 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup Free Background Image  (⬇️download full size)
5. 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup Image Download  (⬇️download full size)
6. Background for 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup  (⬇️download full size)
7. Download 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup Background  (⬇️download full size)
8. Free Background Image for 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup  (⬇️download full size)
This 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup not only can it help promote your brand more effectively, but it can also save you time and money in the long run. By following the simple steps outlined in this post, you can easily create a 3D Glass Window Logo Mockup for your brand and take the next step in promoting your business.
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