Free Mosquitoes Spray Mockup

Download free .PSD Mockup source
GraphicsFamily Editors Salute You!
We present you a new free mock-up for an effective branding presentation. It comes in .PSD format being very easy to be edited due to use of smart objects.
As you can see in the example images, you can edit absolutely everything: from the color of the bottle, cap, background and so on. You can focus more on insect repellent products designs to get inspiration and insert your own design via smart object.
You can use this mockup for both personal and commercial purposes.
Its resolution is 3000×2500 pixels and it usually takes only few minutes to be edited even if you’re a newbie.
Free Mosquitoes Spray Mockup


Created By GraphicsFamily Professional Designers And Tested On Adobe Photoshop CC 2019.
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