Transparent Glass Window Corporate Logo Presentation

Impress Your Clients with a Realistic Glass Window Logo Presentation. Free download PSD source and more FREE background images!
Transparent Glass Window Corporate Logo Presentation + TUTORIAL
Discover our new Corporate Logo Presentation Mockup with Transparent Glass Window.
This premium logo mockup has a white realistic logo style with reflection and blur effects, making it ideal for presenting corporate logos in a professional and modern setting. GraphicsFamily also provides additional free background mockup images for this template, which you can download from their website to create even more unique and engaging presentations.

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression,” as the saying goes, and this is especially true in the world of graphic design. Your design and presentation as a professional designer must stand out and feel fresh and appealing to your clients. If the client has already seen that mockup on the internet, using a common or free mockup can result in loss of exclusivity and create a negative impression. Premium mockups are essential for giving your designs the exclusivity and unique presentation they deserve.
Clients enjoy seeing their logos in various contexts, and they are willing to pay for 3D styles and other creative presentations to use as social media banners and profile pictures. You can provide your clients with the exclusivity and quality they seek by using premium logo mockups such as the Transparent Glass Window Corporate Logo Presentation.
Transparent Glass Window Corporate Logo Presentation

Transparent Glass Window Corporate Logo Presentation

Free Background Images for Creating a Unique Logo Mockup

1. ⬇️ Glass Window Logo Mockup Free Background :


2. ⬇️ Glass Window Logo Mockup Free Background Photo :


3. ⬇️ Glass Window Logo Mockup Free Background Image:


4. ⬇️ Glass Window Logo Mockup Background:


5. ⬇️ Glass Window Logo Mockup Background Image :


6. ⬇️ Free Background Image for Glass Window Logo Mockup :


How to use the mockup .PSD file:
1. Download the free .zip file from GraphicsFamily page and unzip it in a folder.
2. Double click the .PSD source file
3. Locate the layer named [YOUR LOGO HERE] and double click it to edit.
4. Drag and drop your .PNG transparent image of your design, icon or simply add a new text you wish to appear on the surface.
5. Resize and center the design and save the smart layer.
6. Your design is now appearing on the surface and you can export the design by clicking: CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S
How to replace the background image:
1. Double click the layer named “Background”
2. Drag and drop your desired image in a new layer and delete the old one.
3. Adjust the image to properly fit the canvas area.
Good luck with sales and happy clients!
Transparent Glass Window Corporate Logo Presentation Features:
– 100% Customizable.
– High Quality
– Fully Layered Mockup Template.
– .PSD (Source File)
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