Free Vintage Logo Preview Generator

🔥 Let's get back in time in a stylish way! Improve your logo design appearance and increase sales!
Hello Creative Artist,
Here’s our new freebie created specially for you to improve the appearance of your logo designs creations. It can easily be edited using Adobe Photoshop CS6 or any other versions.
Logo Thumbnails are the #1 factor that influence people to click and buy your logo designs! Triple the number of views your logo designs they get right now on digital marketplaces you use to sell them.

Say goodbye to boring white background logo thumbnails!

The .PSD source file includes actually 6 different logo design mock-ups which can be adapted to your logo designs with ease, by simply editing their dedicated layers which are named accordingly to what they contain.

It doesn’t matter how good your logo designs are… if the thumbnails are not grabbing attention… you’ll never get the views you deserve and without views, you’ll never get any sales.

How to edit:
All you have to do is to simply double click the smart object named “[YOUR LOGO HERE]” and import your .PNG transparent logo. Adjust it by placing it to the center of the canvas and resize to properly fit the area and then click SAVE by pressing CTLR+S.
Return to the main edit window and you may see how is your logo looking like while being applied to all the vintage scenes.
We assure you that using a vintage design presentation for your creations will definitely make than stand out of the crowd and be a real game changer.
Don’t waste hours over hours, learning Photoshop and struggle to get a CRIPS design…
With only a few clicks, you can create highly engaging thumbnails for your logo designs!
Awesome Logo Thumbnails Can 10x Your Views & Sales.

Free Vintage Logo Preview Generator


Taste the Feeling of a Vintage Product Presentation!

An aesthetic vintage look of your brand is really essential for your logo design success.

Made With 💘 And Shared For 🆓 By GraphicsFamily.Com

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