Modern Logo Preview Generator

🔥 Taste the Feeling of an Amazing Logo Design Presentation!
Hello Creative Artist,
Do you feel that your logo design portfolio is getting old? Do your clients refuse so many of your designs? Does shop from graphicriver or creativemarket get no sales for your designs?
This is because you have a wrong approach. You must change the way you present your logo designs to your audience.

A brilliant way to improve your logo appearance!

Mastering how to present a logo to clients can take years of practice and experience.
The real secret of how to present a logo begins with a professional presentation of the design.
There are 2 types of logo mock-ups you can use to improve everything:
1. Presentation mock-ups : they are used to showcase your logo designs to the final clients to impress them, like this Modern Logo Preview Generator you’re about to download in the next few minutes.
2. Logo layout mock-ups: which are used to simply improve your portfolio explaining the features of your logo designs.

Add a professional and impressive look to your logo design!

Do you know what all the logo designs with the highest number of sales have in common?
Here’s their secret: It is the logo presentation that boosts the number of sales. A perfect logo showcase will surely drive new customers your way!  Clients want to know how the logo design will benefit their brand.

It doesn’t matter how good your logo designs are… if the thumbnails are not grabbing attention… you’ll never get the views you deserve and without views, you’ll never get any sales.

How to use it:

1. It is fully editable and it will take you around 10 seconds to apply it to your logo. Simply download the .zip file by clicking the DOWNLOAD button.
2. Use 7Zip to unzip it in a separate folder.
3. Double click the .PSD file and open it using Adobe Photoshop CS6 or a newer version.
4. Locate the first layer named: “YOUR LOGO HERE” and double click its small icon to open the smart object.
5. Drag&drop the .png transparent version of your logo, place it in the center of the canvas and then click SAVE.
6. Return to the main window where you edit the .psd file and you may now see your logo applied nicely everywhere.
7. Export the image as .jpeg and you’re ready to submit it wherever you want or to show it to your audience.

Modern Logo Preview Generator


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