Free Jersey Texture Logo Mockup

Simple, clean and perfect to use on your next business branding and promotion project. Download FREE PSD source now!
Free Jersey Texture Logo Mockup
Hello Creative Artist,
We present you today our new free jersey texture logo mockup created for you to present your awesome logo creations in a very professional way and amaze your audience.
The source file can be opened using Adobe Photoshop CS6 or any newer versions and it is fully layered, allowing you to change all the elements with ease, by simply double clicking the smart objects.
If you like this free resource, simply click the DOWNLOAD button and you will get it for free. We’d be very grateful if you could support us by sharing the link and also mentioning GraphicsFamily in your projects.
How to edit:
1. Open the .PSD file using Adobe CS6 or a newer version.
2. Double click the layer named “[YOUR LOGO HERE]”
3. Import your transparent .PNG logo or simply create a new text/logo/icon and click SAVE
4. Return to the main .PSD edit window and you may now see your logo applied on the jersey texture
5. Edit the Jersey Texture Color by double clicking the color icon in front of the layer named “Jersey Color”
6. Edit the background Color by double clicking the color icon in front of the layer named “Background Color”
That’s All! Enjoy!

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