MemTest – RAM Tester For Windows

August 4, 2022| GraphicsFamily

Download MemTest

MemTest is a great arsenal to have, especially if there is an old and troublesome computer involved. It is an exceptional utility that tests the RAM of just about every PC. MemTest is one of the oldest and longest-running tools to test out the functioning, errors, and crashes within a computer’s RAM.
RAM is one of the most important components in your computer and is responsible for its compatibility with powerful programs such as Photoshop. This world-famous program takes 16GB RAM to run, which means that software such as MemTest is vital for your computer.
What we like

Best Software Award by GraphicsFamily

  • Great tool for troubleshooting RAM errors
  • Has fast repair tools
  • Efficient and lightweight
  • Easy to use
  • Runs effective diagnostics
What we don't like
  • Requires a reboot
MemTest is software that is designed to test and find out the stress points within your RAM. It verifies if your computer can accept arbitrary data patterns written into it. It also makes sure that there are no errors between the interactions of different sectors of a computer’s RAM.
Protects Against Corrupted Data and Crashes
An unreliable RAM is the source of a lot of problems for computer users and leads to a multitude of moderate to severe glitches. Corrupted data, unexplained behavior, and crashes are just some of the things that result from damaged RAM.
With MemTest, you can fully diagnose your RAM so that you can either see if it is the root of the problem or rule it out as one. System instability can be caused by multiple problems and Memtest is a reliable tool in figuring out where it originates from. Memtest is relied on for both professional and personal use meaning computer manufacturers and enthusiasts can benefit from it.
Memtest works by writing out patterns that it will use to test out the ones in your computer. It will read yours along with its created memory addresses and look for errors or discrepancies. Each verification will require the RAM to accept and retain the patterns fed to it, and once there are no errors in the different areas of the memory, and no conflicts between memory addresses, your computer will be deemed safe from any corrupted or dangerous data.
Multiple RAM Support
Memtest works on just about any manufactured RAM, such as SODIMM, XMP, ECC, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, and DDR5. So, this means that if your RAM is faulty, then Memtest will immediately blacklist any corrupt memory it finds. You can access this information through the save logs that Memtest creates or the customizable HTML reports it generates after a test.
Though Memtest is a great tool for testing the health and functioning of your computer’s RAM, it does come with one drawback, as minor as it is. The program has to be booted from the USB drive. However, once that is done, it will automatically start scanning the RAM and executing multiple algorithms and patterned tests to look for and find the stability or fault within a RAM. It is a great tool for personal use and helps keep a computer functional for a longer time, and it is great to use at a professional level, too.

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